Did you know that vitamin E capsules can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to maintaining your beauty?
Vitamin E capsules contain topical applications that can resolve various nail, hair, and skin issues.
Vitamin E Capsule Uses
What is the better option: taking Vitamin E orally as a supplement, or breaking the capsule and rubbing the oil found inside into your hair and skin? Based on your intentions, both options can be effective.
Use vitamin E of high quality every day to enhance the beauty of your hair and skin. Vitamin E capsules come with a 15ml daily dosage (approximately 30 IU). Just a single capsule needs to be taken after eating.
For the topical application method, there are various approaches to using vitamin E. Simply break a capsule open with a sanitized safety pin. The vitamin E oil can be squeezed out right onto your hair or skin.
They can be purchased at most chemist stores and are quite affordable. Â Â CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST PLACE TO PURCHASE VITAMIN E CAPSULES
Here are some great ways vitamin E capsules can be used to enhance your beauty:

1. Acne clearer
All of us have endured an acne breakout at least once. If you’re struggling with acne issues, try out this solution: ​
Take the serum out of a vitamin E capsule and apply some to the pimple.
The results will surprise you. This approach has been said to be quite impactful and an immediate answer to a pimple problem.

2. Fixes split ends
Split ends can be sealed by soaking them in Vitamin E.
Create a split end fixture serum with 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil, a ¼ cup of castor oil, 4 drops of rose essential oil, and 4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
To repair split ends and thoroughly moisturize them, apply this serum onto the ends of your hair.

3. For cracked heels
Mix 1 teaspoon of Vaseline, 1/2 teaspoon of glycerin, and 2 opened vitamin E capsules into a container.
The cream created should be applied to your feet 3 or 4 times and covered up with socks before you go to sleep.

4. Encourages Growth of Hair
Pour some vitamin E oil into your go-to bottle of hair oil.
Vitamin E fixes broken hair follicles and stimulates healthy growth of hair.

5. Helps to reverse damage caused by the sun; soothes sunburns
Vitamin E oil can be used to heal sunburns and treat sun-damaged skin. Vitamin E encourages collagen production when applied to the skin. By stimulating a quicker turnover of healthy new cells, collagen repairs wounds quicker.
Use a sunscreen that contains Vitamin E to bypass sunburns altogether. You can also isolate the substance from a vitamin E capsule and rub it onto the area affected (along with some aloe vera gel).

6. Nourishment of nails
Take the tiniest drop of vitamin E oil from the capsule and massage your cuticles with it.
Vitamin E oil heals dry and flaky nails, and after a few uses, you’ll have softer skin surrounding your nails.

7. Moisturizes Naturally
Before you go to sleep, combine your nighttime moisturizing lotion with a few vitamin E oil drops and apply it to your body.

8. Smooth and soft lips
For smooth and soft lips, mix a 1/2 teaspoon of almond oil and all vitamin E oil extract from 1 capsule, then apply the combined substance to your lips.
Do this up to 4 times daily.

​9. Softer hands
Combine some coconut oil with a few drops of vitamin E oil.
Massage the concoction into your hands to soften them up.

10 Under eye circle treatment
Your under eye circles can be easily treated with vitamin E oil, which is chalk full of antioxidants. Rub some Vitamin E oil beneath your eye circles and leave it there overnight.
Wash it off when you wake up the next day. You can treat under eye bags and dark circles by using vitamin E oil on a consistent basis.

11. Blemish and Scar lightener
Unsightly blemishes and scars can be taken away or lightened with ongoing use of vitamin E. To lighten their appearance and fix scar tissue, rub some vitamin E cream onto the scars.
Vitamin E applied to newer scars will get results. Scars older than a decade might be tougher to get rid of.

12. Ideal for chapped lips
Vitamin E oil can treat severely chapped and dry lips. Open a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to your lips.
Because of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds in those vitamin E capsules, it is beneficial to hydrate your lips regularly.

13. Extreme dry skin, psoriasis, and eczema prevention
If you’re enduring skin issues like psoriasis, eczema, and severely dry skin, open a vitamin E capsule and rub the substance right onto the skin.
The vitamin E inside the capsules keep the skin hydrated, and as such, you won’t have to spend money on expensive moisturizers.
Be mindful that vitamin E will show results, but not overnight. Be patient and know that the benefits of vitamin E will gradually come.

14. Stops aging of skin
Vitamin E enhances the production of the fiber-like protein known as collagen. Collagen maintains the elasticity of skin, and as such, minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Drop a few drops of this oil into the serum you use at night before application.

15. Removes stretch marks stemming from pregnancy, weight gain, or weight loss.
Vitamin E enhances the production of the fiber-like protein known as collagen. Collagen maintains the elasticity of skin, and as such, minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Drop a few drops of this oil into the serum you use at night before application.
In the ingredients section of any stretch mark removal cream, you’ll see a high amount of vitamin E!

ALlan Weaver
Mix 12 capsules of vitamin E oil, 1/2 a cup of melted cocoa butter, and 15 drops of frankincense oil to create a stretch mark removal cream. For optimal results, this cream should be rubbed onto your stretch marks on a regular basis.
16 Resolves hair troubles
Vitamin E can also be used as a hair serum. Based on how long your hair is, you’ll need between 2 and 3 capsules of vitamin E. Rub it into your hair thoroughly so that your hair is completely covered up. Apply the gel from the roots to the ends of your hair.Â
Since Vitamin E oil is full of antioxidants, it gives you a lustrous and healthy head of hair. Hair follicles are nourished and strengthened by the healing properties of vitamin E. Combine some olive or jojoba oil with some vitamin E oil and lather it into your hair.

You can expect your scalp to be somewhat oily afterward - the serum found in the capsules are greasy and thick. It should be kept in your hair for a half-hour to 60 minutes. Thoroughly rinse your hair when the time calls for it with shampoo and conditioner. If used consistently, you can expect to see a healthy set of hair soon after.
17. Tones and lightens dark lips
You might feel self-conscious if your lips are unevenly-toned or dark, particularly if you’re not wearing lipstick!
You can make uneven or dark lips more vibrant by taking out the oil from a vitamin E capsule and mixing it with a skin-lightening essential oil (like lemon oil). After applying this mixture onto your skin, let it remain there for a minimum of 15 minutes.Â

When you have this substance on your lips, stay out of direct sunlight. After all, lemon oil is phototoxic.
18. Stops dandruff and scalp infections
You can stop bacterial infections on your scalp through the use of Vitamin E oil. Combine some vitamin E oil with some aloe vera gel and lather your scalp with this concoction.
The roots and tips of your hair should be covered up thoroughly before washing it off with lukewarm water. Dandruff issues can be resolved with this remedy, too.

19. As a cleanser
Since vitamin E is a strong emollient, it can take away impurities from your skin’s surface, as well as maintain its balance of oil.
Wipe your face with a cotton ball dipped in a few drops of vitamin E oil twice a day.
You can also use this tactic to remove makeup.

20 Stop Your Hair from Going Grey Early
In addition to slowing down the signs of aging, vitamin E oil can stop hair from greying prematurely.
The strong antioxidants in vitamin E can stop tissue corrosion, and as such, minimize the likelihood of early greying...

21 Vitamin E Benefits
There are some amazing benefits of consuming vitamin E capsules and these include preventing diseases such as heart attacks and blood vessel problems, chest pains, high blood pressure, blocked or hardened arteries and many other things.

Vitamin E is found in certain plant foods including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ. Â If you want to know the best place you can find it in a capsule form then click here.
I hope you've enjoyed this article on the amazing benefits of vitamin E capsules.