Over the years, we’ve been able to learn the power of the aloe vera plant. As a result, it’s now used across the world and for a variety of different purposes. In a recent study, the plant was shown to have over 75 unique nutrients, enzymes, phenolic compounds, minerals, sugars, and amino acids.
Therefore, it provides a number of benefits to our lives which is why we’re going to delve into the plant today.
In it’s natural habitat, Aloe Vera grows within tropical climates and it has actually been used for medicinal purposes for many years. In this guide, you’re going to see how its use has expanded and why it’s so popular!
But first check out this video on the Health Benefits, Beauty Tips & Life hacks of Aloe Vera ................
1: Aloe Vera Heals Wounds & Insect Bites- As an anti-inflammatory, aloe vera is great for all insect bites and other wounds. If you can get the product in gel form, it makes for the perfect topical treatment for all these sorts of injuries. What’s more, some people even use it as an aftershave lotion because it soothes the skin.

2: Aloe Vera Treating Burns - Following in a similar theme, aloe vera is perhaps most famous for its treatment as an after-sun product. However, it also has the same impact after minor burns and accidents when cooking.

With the anti-inflammatory properties, add to this the hydrating juice and your skin will actually benefit from increased elasticity while healing.Â
According to one report, the healing process for a burn can be sped up by around nine days when using aloe vera treatments.
Of course, we would never recommend using aloe vera instead of professional medical attention so always see a doctor if your injury is anything more than a light burn. Â For the best Aloe Vera Burn products click here

3: Aloe Vera Smoothie - As we move towards a less well-known solution, have you ever tried drinking aloe vera? After grinding a leaf into a juicer, this acts as a great supplement and it means all the vitamins and minerals we discussed earlier get into your system. In addition to the antioxidant punch it provides, some people actually really like the flavor.

4: Heartburn Treatment - Sticking with the drinking theme, the compounds within the juice can help to deal with the acid within the stomach while also soothing the gastrointestinal tract. In the past, aloe vera has even been shown to prevent gastric ulcers from growing any larger because it takes away the environment they need to survive.  You can buy Aloe Vera Treatment here

5: Stretch Mark Treatment - If y​ou have stretch marks either from weight fluctuation or pregnancy, these are essentially small tears on the layers of the skin. If you use aloe vera soap regularly, the marks will become less prominent.

6: Acne Cure - With a wide selection of minerals in aloe vera, it’s actually the zinc that helps us with this benefit (or perhaps even a ‘life hack’). Nowadays, zinc can be found in most skin care products to improve blemishes. By reducing the amount of oil being produced, it can also halt acne in its tracks and reverse the process.​

In addition to this, the salicylic acid works with numerous antiseptic compounds to kill off all the bad bacteria known for causing acne. With many skin care products, they contain aloe vera to treat the redness and scars that come with acne too. Â For the best acne products click here
7: Cracked Heels Fix - Nowadays, we spend long parts of the day on our feet and this leads to cracked heels. If you apply aloe vera and then pull some socks over the top, leave it on overnight and you’ll wake up with softer heels (add some lavender oil to add a refreshing scent!).

8: Makeup Removal - Since the plant and oil is gentle on the skin, the gel-like consistency that comes with aloe vera makes for a great makeup remover. Compared to all the commercial products containing potentially harmful chemicals, this is a much better solution.

9: Hair Growth - Nowadays, you’ll notice plenty of hair products, including shampoos, containing aloe vera. Boasting an enzyme known for encouraging hair growth, it’s a natural solution once again without using chemicals and other harmful treatments. Click here for more info

Best Selling Aloe Vera Products
10: Blood Sugar Regulator - If you’ve noticed the ingredient in diabetic supplements, this is because it can help to maintain blood sugar. In one study in particular, the ingredient was regarded as one of the best ways to help those with diabetes as well as anybody who regularly suffers from sugar cravings. With over 3,000 mildly diabetic patients, 90% of the people had a lower blood sugar level after eating a diet consisting mainly of aloe-infused bread.

11: Shaving Solution - As we’ve seen before, aloe gel soothes the skin so can prevent shaving burns and rashes. With antibacterial properties, it should also prevent infection after a small nick with the razor.  You can buy gel here

12: Curl Definer - As long as you have some coconut oil, Shea butter, and aloe vera gel, you’re only seconds away from whipping together a natural curl definer which allows for smooth definition.

13: Dandruff Prevention - Once again, aloe vera is common in shampoos (and conditioners) because the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help an irritated scalp. When you’re in the shop next, take a look on the back of a few bottles of hair products and aloe vera is likely to make many appearances with various brands and this suggests its prominence.

14: Athlete’s Foot Treatment - If you’ve been diagnosed with athlete’s foot, aloe vera may actually be recommended to you by medical professionals because an ointment can be created after mixing it with tea tree oil. After applying it twice a day, the infection will soon disappear and you’ll be on the road to recovery.

15: Body Hydration Tool - In total, there are nearly 200 compounds within aloe vera juice and this helps to replenish the body. Often, dehydration within the body causes fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness but this is removed with aloe vera juice. After the initial benefit, the potassium content can then set you up with increased energy too.  Aloe vera juice can be purchased here

16: Dental Plaque Removal - At first, you might be a little confused by this one but a recent study showed aloe vera mouth rinse to be just as good as chlorhexidine in the treatment of dental plaque. Within this study, 300 people saw the benefit and you could too.

17: Essential Amino Acids - Within aloe vera juice, there are a variety of essential amino acids which simply cannot be produced by the body alone. As well as the promotion of overall health, these amino acids also help with muscle building.

18: Reduction in Arthritis Pain - With the anti-inflammatory properties we’ve already seen, this can reduce the swelling that often comes with arthritis. With the juice, this calms the swelling and makes life that little bit easier for arthritis sufferers. Regardless of whether you drink the juice or use a topical application, both can yield results which is a nice little benefit.

19: Cancer Suppressor - Of course, we always have to be careful whenever cancer is mentioned and we can’t categorically tell you aloe vera suppresses cancer but there has been some positive studies. For example, one in Japan showed aloe juice helping those with cancer in the respiratory area while also preventing colon and stomach cancer.

20: Frostbite Skin Repair - Whenever frostbite strikes, this can be a devastating time but aloe vera has been proven to reduce the symptoms and pain experienced. Today, the ingredient is used clinically and is starting to become more valuable for severe blisters.

21: Alkaline Diet - If you’re on an alkaline diet, aloe vera fits the description of your perfect ingredient and this helps to create a balance with your body (while also limiting your consumption of acidic foods and drinks). If you want to boost this impact even more, start consuming nuts, seeds, coconut vinegar, leafy greens, and root vegetables.

22: Constipation Prevention - Containing natural fiber, this helps to prevent constipation while keeping all bowel movements regular. If you’re already constipated, try drinking around two ounces of the juice each day. In case you didn't know, the results will take around ten hours to show so don’t think it isn't working.  There are specific aloe vera products that can help - click here

23: Hemorrhoids Treatment - Whenever hemorrhoids are experienced, it leads to pain, burning, itching, and general irritation. If you own an aloe vera plant, break apart the bottom of a leaf and allow the gel to rest on the affected area. After massaging the gel around, it won’t be long before you feel the relief. You can buy gels here

24: Cold Sore Treatment - If you suffer with regular cold sores, aloe vera might be something you’ve never tried before but many find success with it. As well as alleviating the symptoms, this should also speed up the recovery process.

25: Gum Disease Cure - With the numerous vitamins and minerals that exist in aloe vera, cell growth is promoted and this encourages the healing of canker sores, bleeding gums, and mouth ulcers. To start, simply massage your gums with the aloe vera. Alternatively, you could place some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush. If you only have juice, drinking this and allowing it to wash around your mouth for a few seconds is also a great way to benefit.

26: Heart Health Improvement - In a recent report, the majority of 5,000 patients saw a reduction in chest and heart pain after experiencing it for some time. In addition to this, blood sugar and cholesterol levels also decreased within diabetic patients.

27: Wrinkle Prevention - Now, we can’t be certain with this one but there is some early evidence to suggest the relationship between aloe vera gel and slowing down the aging process in the skin. In one study, collagen production and skin elasticity both improved after topical applications of aloe vera gel.

28: Hair Gel - Just to throw a rogue suggestion into the mix, more and more people are saying aloe vera is the best way to hold hair in a particular shape

29: Immune System Boost - These days, we all lead busy lifestyles and it leaves our immune system in a poor state. With the polysaccharides found in aloe vera juice, this stimulates the white blood cells and enables you to fight against certain viruses. As an antioxidant, this’ll also come in handy when battling free radicals thus slowing down the aging process as we saw previously.

30: Inflammation Reduction - As we’ve seen throughout, aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory solution and this is thanks to 12 different substances. If we take B-sisterole as an example, this slows down and even inhibits inflammation. If you have swollen joints or a lack of flexibility, this is a great way to boost your health.

31: Food Preserver - Recently, a professor in Spain actually proved that just a thin layer of aloe vera can preserve food for a number of days. In fact, the experiment involved a bowl of grapes and these went bad within a week with no protection. With gelled grapes, which can be cleaned within seconds before consuming, they lasted for over a month and still tasted fresh at the end.

32: Digestive Help - With several enzymes in aloe vera, this helps to break down the sugars and various fats in the body. More than anything, this aids digestion thus helping the body to absorb all the important nutrients from your food. With a solid foundation like this, it promotes overall wellbeing in the coming weeks and months.

33: Menstrual Issue Cures - With the extract that comes from aloe vera, research suggests this is one of the best stimulants of the uterus in the natural world. If you consume juice during a painful menstruation, you could just find the time ahead more bearable.

34: Removing Nausea - If you regularly suffer with a sick stomach, aloe vera juice brings on a calm feeling right across the body and should make you feel better. Indirectly, this then removes nausea and sets you up in the right way for the day ahead.

35: Scalp pH Balance - If you experience issues with your hair and scalp, this could be down to a disturbance in the pH balance. Generally speaking, we need our hair to be at around 5.5 in terms of pH. With many hair products and shampoos containing surfactants, which are known for altering the pH of the scalp, you need something to restore the balance. With aloe vera, it promotes a healthy balance and should restore a fuller and healthier look.

36: Eyebrow Gel - With a mascara wand, gently dip it into a little aloe gel and stroke it along the eyebrows. Without making everything sticky, eyebrow gel will keep things where they need to be.

37: Brain Health Improvement - In a study not so long ago, the relationship between memory recall and aloe vera was investigated. Unsurprisingly, since it’s on this list, those who consumed aloe vera regularly performed better. In addition to this, they also experienced fewer incidences of low mood and tension.

38: Makeup Primer - According to many women, a small amount of gel on the face can even out your complexion before then going on to add makeup.

39: Improved Skin Health - Not only do some people use aloe vera to soften the skin, many actually use it exclusively…replacing expensive brands and other favorite solutions. Why? As well as keeping the skin soft for longer, it also achieves this without going greasy so they make for a good replacement of those chemical-laden products.

40: Detoxification Help - Similar to chia seeds and seaweed, aloe vera is actually a gelatinous plant food and there’s a huge advantage to adding these to your diet; the gels travel through the intestinal tract while attracting various toxins before being passed through the colon. As natural solutions go, you aren't going to find many closer to detoxification than this.

41: Extensive Minerals and Vitamins - Just as a reminder, aloe vera contains a fascinating array of vitamins and minerals; if we listed them here today, the next time you looked up it would have changed season. For example, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 are all contained within aloe vera. Furthermore, the list continues with magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, chromium, sodium, manganese, iron, potassium, and selenium.

42: Eczema Relief - If you happen to suffer with the symptoms of eczema, you’ll know how frustrating it can be but many people believe in aloe vera. Although there hasn't been extensive testing on the idea just yet, many sufferers claim this as the best solution and this is likely to be the anti-inflammatory properties working away again. With eczema common in dry patches of skin, the hydrating ability of aloe vera really is quite something. Check out prodcuts here

43: Weight and Energy Regulation - Along with the benefits we’ve already seen for the digestive system, there are actually plenty of foods in the Western diet that cause fatigue and tiredness but aloe vera helps to keep this at bay. As long as you consume it regularly enough, your energy levels will increase and you’ll find it easier to maintain a steady body weight.

44: Glowing Skin - If you haven't heard of ‘mineral makeup’ by now, where have you been? Well, aloe vera actually contains ten of these essential minerals and the price you pay will be significantly lower. Before you go to bed every night, use aloe vera gel or extract and you’ll wake up with a new glow in the morning.

45: Adaptogen - With an adaptogen, its main goal is to boost our body in its ability to resist illness and adapt to changes in external factors. With aloe vera as an adaptogen itself, the body’s system can balance, our defense mechanisms are stimulated, and we find it easier to deal with stressful situations whether this is caused by the environment or perhaps even emotional or physical stress.

Best Selling Aloe Vera Products
46: Asthma Help - As we edge closer to the end of this superb guide, we still have plenty of health benefits and life hacks to come including for those with asthma. As a natural pain inhibitor, aloe is also a cleaner so will power through build-ups of mucus. Rather than treating asthma, aloe vera can prevent the attacks and symptoms that frequently come with the condition.

47: Exfoliation Session - If you like to use exfoliation creams and expensive products, why not try aloe vera gel instead? After mixing it in with a small amount of brown sugar, it can be used all over the body and you’ll benefit from smoother skin (after consistent and regular use).

48: Cure for Blisters - Whenever we experience blisters, there’s always a root cause whether this comes from friction, irritation, allergies, or even sunburn. As soon as the blister surfaces, there’s a real risk of infection. With aloe vera gel, the disinfectant qualities can severely reduce the risk of infection while encouraging healing in the affected area.

49: Wart Treatment - Finally, the anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera can treat warts and you start by extracting the gel from the leaf. After this, apply it to the wart with a clean cotton ball before using some tape (or a bandage) to hold it in place. If you do this a couple of times a week, it won’t be long before you see results.
On a side note, you can also buy aloe vera gel if you don't have a plant; you should find it in all good drug stores.

Summary - Wow, nearly 50 benefits from one simple ingredient, gel, juice, powder, and plant. With aloe vera in your home, you can look after your body and ensure you’re in a great position for a long and healthy life. Whether you use the benefits, life hacks, or beauty tips, we thank you for reading and urge you to try aloe vera today. Not only will you save money on various products, you’ll save your body from harmful chemicals with this natural solution!