by timrel

October 25, 2017

baking soda teeth whitening

Having yellow or stained teeth can make you self-conscious about smiling. Yellow teeth aren’t necessarily due to a lack of oral hygiene, because this can be caused by smoking, age, genetics, and even certain health conditions. What you eat and drink can also stain or discolour your teeth enamel.

There are quite a few products and treatments that you can buy for teeth whitening, but wouldn’t you like to know how you could whiten your teeth without having to spend a lot of money?

The good news is that you can accomplish this using a common household product that you probably already have in your cupboard, which is baking soda.

And yes it is ok to brush teeth with baking soda

Check out the video below for step by step instructions on how to whiten your teeth with baking soda or follow the written instructions below.............

Can you use baking soda to brush your teeth?

Baking soda is also called bicarbonate of soda and it is a white powdery substance that can remove cigarette stains and those caused by coffee, tea and other beverages and foods that can turn teeth a yellowish colour.

How does baking soda whiten teeth?

Because baking soda is slightly abrasive it works well when it’s used to scrub the stains off teeth. It’s an inexpensive and easy-to-use product for whitening and brightening teeth. It’s also considered an anti-microbial so it can help create the right pH balance in your mouth. 

How do you whiten your teeth and remove stains with baking soda and lemon juice?

Follow these steps for whitening your teeth to a nice bright shine:

1. The best results come when you apply it to dry teeth so use a clean cloth or gauze strip to dry your teeth before applying the baking soda paste.

2. Using a small glass or cup, mix a few drops of lemon juice or water with ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Stir until it forms a paste, which will make it easy to apply. The citric acid in lemon juice helps to naturally bleach your teeth. Lemon juice has an acidic pH, which will balance out the alkaline in the baking soda.

3. For best results, use a toothbrush to apply the baking-soda paste. Dip the head of your dry toothbrush into the paste, completely covering the bristles, and then start brushing your dry teeth. You can also use your fingertips, but you won’t get as good a result.

How long does baking soda take to whiten teeth?

You should start see results fairly quickly.

It is recommended that you only do this 3 times a week at the most because lemon juice is highly acidic and can damage tooth enamel if it’s applied too often. If you have highly sensitive gums or are wearing braces, it is not recommended that you do this.

Otherwise, get busy and you’ll have a beautiful bright white smile before you know it!

The Best Natural Teeth Whitening Products

About the author


I am passionate about health and wellbeing and have writing for over 10 years on the subject. I have a BSc Hons Degree and undertake vigorous research to help people improve their lives and live more a healthy and happy life.

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